Thursday, December 17, 2015

What to look for when picking your divorce attorney

Finding a trustworthy attorney can seem like an arduous process once you are ready to begin the divorce process. The amount of options to choose from can be overwhelming but the process can be much easier if you focus on a few specific aspects that are most important to you!
The first thing to decide is what your goals are when it comes to the divorce. The relationship you have with your soon-to-not-be significant other will determine if it will be a contested or a collaborative divorce. If your marriage is ending on good terms, custody and asset discussions will be conducted much easier than a marriage ending on bad terms. It is critical that you know what you want in regards to assets and child custody at the end of the divorce before you begin the process.
Researching potential attorneys is your next step and you should narrow it down by finding an attorney who is excellently rated and is located near your home or office. It might be best to look elsewhere if you find an attorney online with too many negative reviews.
Once you’ve narrowed down your search, it is recommended that you visit with 2-3 attorneys before you pick your final decision. Schedule a consultation with each attorney to get the opportunity to speak with them. Pay attention to how each attorney behaves and move on if he or she seems untrustworthy or they do not make you feel comfortable. You will be working very closely with your attorney and the only way to form a good partnership is if you are able to get along with him or her.
During your meeting, you should discuss all of the fees you will be responsible for. If this attorney is out of your budget, you will need to find another one that you can afford. Also, during your meeting, if you notice the attorney is distracted, such as has many interruptions or isn’t fully focused on what you are saying, this is not a good sign of things to come. The same goes for an attorney who promises you the world. You want an attorney who is realistic with you on the potential outcomes of your divorce.
Picking the right divorce attorney for you is critical to the success of your divorce. This process does not need to be overwhelming if you just keep these tips in mind.
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call 877-385-2560.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Finding a Nassau County Divorce Lawyer

Married couples in Nassau County having issues within their marriage may decide at a certain time that divorce is their best option. Even though divorce is not necessarily a bad choice, it can cause a lot of stress on a person, which is why being able to find the best divorce lawyer on Long Island should be the easiest part.
Divorce lawyers are meant to be there for you as you may not be thinking clearly and you will need the best help there is during this time. The ability to find a local lawyer that is experienced in mediation or collaborative law is something to keep in mind while searching for the best of the best.
Friends and family may be able to help in referring a good divorce attorney in Nassau County, and if so, make sure to schedule an appointment to meet with the attorney first in order to decide on if they are a good fit for you and your situation. In addition to personal references, it is recommended that when searching for a local divorce attorney, check online references in order to find if there had been any recognition given to that law firm and to compare it to other highly regarded firms.
Some people may have some concerns with the cost when searching for the best attorney for their situation. It may be difficult to find an affordable divorce attorney who is also well rounded in their field, so take advantage of the free consultations frequently offered at various locations in Nassau County. The attorneys at Simonetti & Associates were voted Best Divorce Lawyer of 2015 and are able to provide free consultations and assistance regarding mediation and divorce. Do what is best for your situation and call Simonetti & Associates for a consultation today!
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call 877-385-2560.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

When to Reach Out to a Divorce Lawyer

When experiencing marital problems, it is often difficult to tell what your next step should be. Sometimes your issues are fleeting and the marriage can continue on. Sometimes the issues are deeply rooted and cannot be resolved. Whatever the case may be, if issues keep arising, may be time to reflect on your partner and the marriage as a whole.
One of the first factors to examine is the current marital climate. Are you and your partner under a lot of stress due to finances? Are you and your partner grieving from a familial loss? If issues like these are causing tensions to rise, it might be best to first seek counseling whether that be through couples therapy or individual therapy. Marital conflict is normal but if there is deep-seeded resentment toward one another due to a situation, therapy is absolutely necessary.
Another factor to consider is personal growth. Have you or your partner changed as a person since you first fell in love? Sometimes, especially for those who marry at a younger age, people grow apart. Therapy can also be helpful here, but ultimately, if there has been a shift in perspective and in values, continuing the marriage might not be in the best interest for your mental health. As frustrating as this is, it will be in both of your best interests to move on with your lives.
A third major factor to consider is communication. Are you and your partner communicating effectively? Where do communication breakdowns occur most? Sometimes not setting aside the time to communicate a problem effectively can cause confusion and tensions to rise further. You may not be able to control how your partner communicates to you, but you can control how you do as well as help facilitate conversation further. Don’t be accusatory in tone! For example, rather than saying “your spending is putting us into debt”, say “I feel that our spending is getting out of hand. Could we take a look at our monthly budget together so we both are on the same page?” Making the problem a shared problem, rather than pointing a finger not only addresses the issue, but helps strengthen the idea that you both are members of a team.
Do you want it to work when you think of your marriage with your partner? If your heart is still in it, seeking the help of counseling will help salvage the marriage. The only time a divorce is absolutely necessary is if you know you both will be happier moving on.
It is important to remember that divorce is not a bad thing. Divorce is a method of freeing ourselves from unhappy situations allowing us to be the best possible version of ourselves. Follow what your gut is telling you.
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call 877-385-2560.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Holiday Stress and Divorce Rate

Divorce is never an easy situation for anyone during any time of the year. Nothing can hurt more than seeing all that time invested into a person go to waste because you realize they are no longer the someone you once knew. The emptiness is more pronounced when the holiday come around. Holidays in general can be stressful as they require more time and energy, and if you are considering or have recently been through a divorce, this stress can be magnified to unbearable proportions.  
During the month of January, divorce rates increase and it becomes the busiest month for divorce lawyers across the country. The reasoning behind this phenomenon is because some choose to postpone their plans until after the holiday or because some want to see if spending one last holiday together can make a difference in their marriage and use the celebrations as a last-ditch effort. Couples decide to file divorce in January because dropping the big “D” word could make for an even more stressful holiday season.
Couples also delay the divorce process until after the holidays due to financial concerns. December 31st marks the day when marital statuses determines whether you will file a joint or an individual return for the year before. Searching for the proper lawyer can help you be reassured that your are doing things properly. Simonetti & Associates in Nassau County can help you answer questions you may need to know about divorce.
How can we limit the stress of both upcoming holidays and divorce? One suggestion would be to simplify your traditions. A first recommendation is to keep doing what you enjoy doing. If your tradition or activity needs to be modified, there’s nothing wrong with altering something and making it into a tradition the following year. Let others help you because wanting to be alone can possibly harm you mentally as your mind will wander and focus only on what you miss. Never forget to take care of your health. Sleep and eating habits should be kept on a schedule and everything should require a balance. Be grateful for everything you do have as it is easy to lose sight of the positives when we are stuck in a hard position.
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call 877-385-2560.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

What to Expect When Visiting a Divorce Lawyer For the Fist Time

Divorce is a difficult process and many people are not prepared when presented with the possibility of divorce and the potential need for a divorce attorney. The decision process in regards to divorce can be overwhelming and the legal twists and turns can add more stress to an already stressful situation. The divorce attorneys at Simonetti & Associates are experts in all aspects of the divorce process and can help ease your anxiety about a process that can be complex and confusing.
The first step to the divorce process is meeting with a lawyer. You may be feeling hurt, lost, angry, or fearful, and conflict at home or with your children can lead to anxiety or depression. While divorce attorneys are not therapists, no client ever comes to a divorce lawyer in a good mood, and he or she will show compassion and understanding of your situation. A divorce lawyer will also do their best to explain difficult legal proceedings in a clear and everyman-like manner, and you should make sure you understand everything and ask questions if you are confused about anything.
The first meeting with a divorce lawyer is somewhat dependent on the nature of the divorce. In all cases, however, it is the attorney’s job to compile all net worth, income, and expense information. When you first arrive at the attorney’s office, you will most likely be the only client in the waiting room as it is the job of a lawyer to ensure your confidentiality.
Be prepared to answer a lot of questions. Your attorney will provide you with an overview of what to anticipate relating to the following five issues: (1) the divorce process, (2) any children considered minors within the family, (3) division of your assets and liabilities, (4) child and spousal support, and (5) attorney fees and costs. He or she will ask many questions relating to these issues in order to get the most information possible relating to your case. Do not be afraid to tell the truth as anything you say can not, and will not, be repeated unless you grant explicit permission.
After your divorce attorney has gathered the necessary information for your case, he or she will present to you a game plan based on his professional experience in both the courtroom or during any negotiations.
The next step in the process involves you deciding on whether you want another opinion or want to go forward with the process, but either way, you should have a more clear picture on how your divorce case will play out.
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call 877-385-2560.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Should I Get a Prenup?

A prenuptial agreement, shortened to just a prenup, is a legally binding contract created before marriage or a civil union which addresses issues such as division of property and alimony in case of a divorce. A prenup can also include a variety of other agreements in order to protect a spouse’s family business or other personal assets in the event of a divorce because of adultery or other irreconcilable differences.
A prenup isn’t just signed as a worst-case scenario for a marriage gone stale. The divorce rate in the United States is between 40%-50% and it is best to consider the prenup while the relationship is still at its highest point. The number one cause of a deteriorating relationship is financial problems, and a prenup can help to sort these out before they become a point of contention.
There are benefits to getting a prenup. The first is the protection of separate property and the division of assets. We have all heard stories of business owners and celebrities who lose a big portion of their estate because of a divorce. If you have a large number of assets or properties and want to make sure you keep them in the unfortunate event of a divorce, it would probably make more sense to get a prenup.
There are also some negative aspects to getting a prenup might be a precursor to a disastrous marriage. It might not be in the best interest of you or your partner if you’re planning on divorce while you are still planning a marriage. There is nothing romantic about a prenup and you might not even know the answers to any issues that may arise.
While discussing a prenup might not be a something you are looking forward to discussing with your spouse as you are trying to plan a wedding, you may want to consider it if there are assets you would like to protect. At Simonetti & Associates, we can answer all of your questions regarding prenups and divorce. Call us for a consultation today!
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call 877-385-2560.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Factors That May Increase Your Risk for Divorce

Even though divorce is an unfortunate and sometimes necessary experience many of us will have to go through, there are even though divorce is an unfortunate and sometimes necessary experience many of us will have to go through, there are actions both you and your partner can take in order to prevent it from happening.
A breakdown in communication can be a leading cause of arguments and cause irreversible effects such as loss of interest and loss of trust. Whether it is regarding family responsibilities or simply one partner tuning out the words of the other, communication breakdown is one of the leading causes for divorce. Taking the proper precautions in regards to communication on family activities and purposely setting aside time for you both to discuss your thoughts can mean a world of difference for your marriage.
Financial stress is also one of the biggest causes for divorce. Some financial stressors are unavoidable, such as a job layoff or a medical emergency, but many financial issues stem from incompatibilities in money management as well as a lack of communication of expenses. For example, if one partner is an frugal saver and the other racks up debt on the family credit cards, conflicts are bound to occur. By strategically planning your monthly budget, as well as your short and long term goals, you and your spouse can avoid financial problems and strengthen communication even further.
Addictions also are a common risk factor for divorce. If you or your partner has a vice taking a substantial portion of family resources to fund, such as alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, or gambling, your relationship is at a higher risk for divorce. The situation can start to spiral out of control if the financial and emotional strain of the addiction changes the dynamic of your marriage, and it is advised to seek rehabilitation before the marriage suffers irreversible damage.
People can change throughout the course of a marriage and in those cases the incompatibilities that can be insurmountable. A world of difference can be made, though, by simply nurturing your marriage and catching issues in their early stages.
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call 877-385-2560.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Vote Simonetti & Associates for Best of Long Island 2016!

Simonetti & Associates, located in Woodbury, New York, has been serving the Long Island community for over twenty-five years, and we have been nominated again for the Best Divorce Attorneys on Long Island.
Divorce can be an expensive and arduous process. Simonetti & Associates understands this and strives to make the process as painless as possible. We are committed to providing you with the same service you expect to receive at a fraction of the cost of a prestigious firm. We offer free consultations as well as convenient office hours and the flexibility in choosing your path to marriage dissolution.
Louis Simonetti, founder of Simonetti & Associates, opened his own practice in 1990. He earned his Bachelor’s of Economic Science at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and his Juris Doctorate at St. John’s University, and with 28 years of law experience, has positioned himself to run a successful law firm.
Our associates include the following:
Manuel Rubio Esq., an experienced lawyer and chartered financial analyst who is bilingual in both English and Spanish. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia College and a Juris Doctorate from Columbia Law School.
Maria Alibertis Esq., who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Fordham University and earned her Juris Doctorate from Touro College.
Timothy J. Fallon Esq., who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Government from Georgetown University and earned his Juris Doctorate from Hofstra University.
All of our associates have received excellent educations and have a myriad of experience in all aspects of family law. The combined talents at Simonetti & Associates provide clients with the expertise needed to handle any family law case. Let’s continue to reach more members in the Long Island Community by voting us “Best Divorce Attorney” for 2016!
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call 877-385-2560.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

High-Asset Divorce on Long Island

Long Island is one of the most expensive suburbs in New York State and an established career is essential in order to afford a comfortable lifestyle. Working long hours to afford a lavished lifestyle can cause issues within your marital relationship, and this rift can cause you and your loved one to head towards divorce.
Divorce causes a great deal of emotions such as sadness, regret, frustration and anger. As some couples have built businesses together or hold a significant share in a company or professional practice, this can make their divorce complex, and can cause extra stress when it comes to money and the division of these assets.
Our team works closely to make sure you are treated fairly when it comes to the distribution of assets and the protection of your financial interests. Our extensive experience dealing with high asset cases involve an assessment and distribution of the marital estate, businesses, real estate, investments, retirement accounts, investments, alimony, and child support.
In some cases, one partner may have private bank accounts and hidden assets. Private investigators and forensic accountants may be called in to investigate to make sure each partner gets what is deserved.
Those who possess a substantial amount of assets need specific attention to make sure that each partner is receiving a fair amount. We also recognize that those who have a career to protect need their divorce to be discreet. Simonetti & Associates understands the unique needs of a high asset divorce and will provide you with innovative solutions to protect your best interest.
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call 877-385-2560.

Separation Agreements

Marriage is not always easy due to the constant effort and compromise it takes to make it work. Some people find out they are better off not being together and choose to file for divorce while other couples need some time apart to figure out whether they should reconcile or head towards a divorce.

Legal separation is for someone who cannot live with their spouse anymore but does not want to file for divorce. A legal separation allows you to figure out custody, spousal support and child support. When a couple files for legal separation, the court will assess the financial situation and will secure financial support for the child and the dependent spouse. When a couple chooses to live apart and are not legally separated, there is no legal obligation for either party to pay financial support.

While legal separation and divorce have a lot in common, there are many benefits to being separated as opposed to going through a divorce. Legal separation allows the spouses to have time away to decide if divorce is right. The spouses still would have medical insurance and other benefits that a divorce would terminate. It also would not offend religious beliefs that do not believe in divorce.

Legal separation also helps you when you are going to file for divorce. New York State allows parties to obtain a divorce pursuant after one year of being legally separated. Because most couples who file for legal separation end up getting divorced, it is important that the party seeking divorce follows the terms of the separation agreement. It is also important that you have a knowledgeable attorney to make sure your agreement is sufficient.

Simonetti & Associates has more than 25 years of experience in family law and was voted Long Island’s best Divorce Attorney for 2015. We offer experience and technique to negotiate the best circumstances for your current situation, as well as protection if you choose to divorce. Call 888-429-4459 to schedule your free consultation in one of our Woodbury or downtown New York locations.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Why Schedule a Free Consultation with Us

Voted Long Island’s best divorce lawyer with thirty years of experience in divorce, adoption, child custody, pre and postnuptial agreements, father’s rights, separation agreements, protection orders and meditation, Simonetti & Associates are here to help you and your family make life easier. Simonetti & Associates offer solutions to many different situations that people commonly go through here in New York.

Anyone who has ever been through a divorce knows it is a difficult procedure, but the right attorney can help take away some of the stress and anxiety. Do you know what filing on grounds means? How about what you’re eligible for while going through a divorce? Simonetti & Associates are here to answer these or any other questions you may have regarding the legalities of separation and divorce. It is important to our Long Island divorce lawyer representatives that you know the likely costs and benefits while seeking a fair and timely detachment of your marriage.

If you are going through a tough break-up or marriage and are looking for a lawyer, give a call to Simonetti & Associates for a free consultation. It is important to work and trust your attorney to represent you when constructing an approach to pursue your divorce. Due to the personal nature of divorce, it is crucial to have a lawyer that is just that is both personal and close to home.

Simonetti & Associates vision is larger than simply attracting clients, as our ultimate goal is to help demystify the law and procedures surrounding family court litigation.

Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in divorce, child custody, adoption, same-sex divorce, pre and postnuptial agreements, father’s rights, separation agreements, protection orders and meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call (877)-385-2560.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

BigLaw vs. Litigation Boutiques

The number of litigation boutiques has increased in the past few years, changing the landscape of the field and allowing lawyers the same opportunities as BigLaw to represent top-tier clients in both small and high-profile cases. Attorneys who make the switch from BigLaw to litigation boutiques bring with them their experience while granting them the autonomy desired amongst professionals in the field.
A majority of attorneys making the switch from BigLaw to smaller litigation boutiques often leave because either they are forced out of their firm or they desire to escape the problems persistent in many BigLaw firms. Autonomy is desired in any profession, as research has shown it increases both happiness and work performance, yet BigLaw attorneys are increasingly becoming disenchanted with their firms as well as the profession itself due to being at the mercy of demanding hours and unpredictable schedules.
Litigation boutiques can only be as successful as the partners who populate them, and with many attorneys leaving BigLaw to begin their own firms, they are bringing with them the experience as well as the motivation necessary to succeed in a boutique environment. Like anyone in charge of or working for a small business, the attorneys at litigation boutiques have to be poised to handle the added pressure the autonomy has granted them.
Of course, with added autonomy comes added responsibility, and an attorney working at a litigation boutique must accept the consequences of their actions, whether it be positive or negative. For a client seeking an attorney, though, a litigation boutique gives them BigLaw expertise along with the care and personalization necessary to be best represented. An attorney at a litigation boutique is working for their clients before their firms, and the recent rise in high-profile cases represented by litigation boutiques is proof of their success.
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call (877)-385-2560.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Bankruptcy and Divorce

Money can be a major stress problem in relationships. It is believed by some people that divorce is the solution for money problems. While each spouse might blame one another for their money issues, it is important to realize you cannot divorce the debt that occurs during marriage.
Both spouses are responsible for the debts that occur during marriage and the divorce settlement will divide up the debt. The settlement is between you and your spouse, and it does not bind the creditor collecting the debt. If your ex-spouse doesn’t pay his or her share of the debt, the creditor can come after you for payment. If money is tight between you and your spouse, your spouse’s bankruptcy can put you in bankruptcy as well. It may be a better idea to file for bankruptcy before getting divorced so you know where both of you stand as you should be able to work together and communicate in order to accomplish this. The last thing anybody wants is a bill collector knocking on their door, so if you’re concerned that your former spouse may or may not be filing for bankruptcy, it is imperative to give your attorney a call to seek professional advice.
If you are stuck in a predicament similar to this and have questions regarding the divorce process, please feel free to call Simonetti & Associates. We are specialized in dealing with these types of cases, and it is in our best interest to help the divorce process go as smooth as possible.
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call (877)-385-2560.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Finding a Long Island Divorce Lawyer

Having trouble finding a Long Island divorce lawyer? Family law is a personal matter and choosing the right lawyer might be the most important decision you make for your case. Simonetti & Associates have been providing Long Island with trusted divorce law services for over twenty-five years. Regardless of whether you need information to better understand your possible divorce or are ready for someone to represent you, Simonetti & Associates are here to help.  When you think of a Long Island divorce lawyer, you should be thinking Simonetti.

Divorce is no simple task, but with the right lawyer the process can be made easier. There is more to consider in divorce than negotiating a fair value at a fair price. It is important to work with and trust your attorney to represent you when devising a strategy to pursue your divorce. Due to the personal nature of divorce, it is important to have a lawyer that is just that is both personal and close to home. At Simonetti & Associates we understand how personal a divorce situation can be, and as your divorce lawyer, we are here to suggest and back up our clients on the strategies for their situation. It is important to us as your Long Island divorce lawyer representative that you know the likely costs and benefits of any tactics you might employ when seeking a fair and timely dissolution of your marriage.

Are you familiar with the pros and cons of filing for divorce? Do you know what filing on grounds means? If not, the Long Island divorce lawyers who represent the firm of Simonetti & Associates are here to answer any questions you might have and offer you the best possible solutions to any and all of your family law situations. People on Long Island have trusted Simonetti & Associates for more than twenty-five years and we intend to continue giving them every reason to.

Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call 877-385-2560.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lessons on Blended Families

Parenting is never easy, but it can get difficult in a blended family. Family members can resist the new changes which can make parents frustrated in the situation. Having survived a painful divorce or separation and managing to marry again can beat the odds of divorce and build a blended family that is successful. Everyone in the blended family needs to be involved and be open to adjustments to live together successfully.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What Can We Do to Keep the Best Interests of Our Children in Focus During and After a Divorce?

During a divorce you and your spouse will be focused a lot on whose fault it is or how did this all happen so fast. A lot of emotions will shed losing sight of the most important thing to you, your children. Some tips to keep in mind for your children when going through a divorce is encouraging them not to take sides. Don’t use your child as a defense mechanism that the divorce is not your fault. Keep the arguments behind closed doors because at the end of the day your child shouldn’t have to pick a side from hearing one side of the story. 

Don’t use your child as an emotional support system. If the divorce is tough on you don’t make it harder for your children by venting about the issues. Your child will have a hard enough time dealing with what’s going that your own emotions should rather be talked about with a therapist. It’s important to come up with a parenting plan for your children. There’s going to be a lot of difficult scenarios as far as school breaks and vacations over custody of your children. So it’s important to be mature and responsible enough to work something out as a plan to see your children an equal amount of time. You can always talk to a custody mediator whose job is to create a plan that works for both parties keeping the children’s best interests in mind. You should always make your children feel comfortable and let them know everything is going to be okay. As a parent you are your child’s biggest role model and support system, so its important to let them know nothing will change and you will always be there for them even when separating from your spouse. more

Children want to see their parents happy and the best thing to do when moving forward with a divorce, is figure out how to hide your emotions minimizing trauma to them. Use your friends as a support system, not your kids.  Remember your children will be able to move on if you can. If you need any advice or have any questions regarding children custody and other ways to help them, Simonetti & Associates is here to help.

Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call (888) 429-4459

Thursday, August 6, 2015

It is unavoidable that during separation or divorce in which children are involved there will be questions regarding who gets what kind of custody and when. Unfortunately many fathers’ fear that courts will favor giving sole custody to the mother of the child. It is important to remember that the courts are first and foremost interested in what is best for the child. One of the biggest things that stands out in custody battles is the prominence of where a child lives.  Living situations can be a big deal depending on whether or not the separated parents intend to live nearby to one another. But just like the courts, parents only want what is best for their child.  The hard part is deciding what is actually best for your child, because what is better than a child having a strong relationship with each of their parents.
So have no fear, your lawyers are here. It is important to remember the one thing that you are likely to be hearing over and over again, everyone just wants what is best for any child involved. Good thing that no sex can be assigned to the qualifications of being a parent who is present and supportive both emotionally and financially. Each case and each family is different and therefore there cannot be any assumptions going into a case that either candidate would be better for sole custody.  Despite what we might think fathers’ have just as many rights’ as mothers.  Likely, the only reason we see custody battles ending the way they do is as a direct result of our preconceived sociological norms.  Women are expected to be present and nurturing whereas men are expected to put on a suit and head to work in order to support his family financially, regardless of his family situation.  Don’t let stereotypes get in the way of your family, every parent should have a relationship with their child in order to watch them grow.

Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call (888) 429-4459

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Sim & Associates Is In High Demand For Nassau County Divorce Lawyer

The divorce rate is very high and has just been increasing over the years dramatically. With that being said when you wish to file for divorce, you wish for everything to go smooth and quick because it’s overwhelming enough to go through with a divorce. Simonetti & Associates is the best option for you because he is voted the best divorce lawyer on Long Island in 2015. With over 25 years of experience Lou Simonetti is beyond experienced in being a divorce lawyer in Long Island.
A lot of lawyers don’t take enough pride in representing their clients but Lou Simonetti has proved to build long-lasting relationships with clients who enjoy working with him. He is one Nassau County divorce attorney that makes you his top priority. Providing free consultation Simonetti & Associates loves to hear your stories and learn everything they can about your situation. He also ensures to help out with fathers rights as we all know the mothers have an advantage in a lot of cases. Lou Simonetti always keeps the children in mind if you are concerned about what the next step is for them.
With divorce being such a high demand in this present day, don't hesitate to come in and talk to Lou Simonetti himself as he guides you through his quick and easy process. If you are living in the Nassau County, Suffolk County area he is the person to call. Lou Simonetti has been a resident since birth and has been helping out Long Island residents his whole life with divorces. He is the attorney in Long Island that wishes to answer all your questions and lead you on a better path. Call today and come in for a free consultation, it will only help.

Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call (888) 429-4459

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Myths About Divorce

Divorce is an extremely stressful and tough process that many families in the United States go through. We seem to see divorce everywhere, whether it’s the media covering a divorce between high-profile celebrities or people we know in our personal lives. Although divorce is very common in our society, most people seem to have the same misconceptions about divorce. It’s important to know what’s fact and fiction in the divorce process and debunk the common myths about divorce.
  1. Arguments and disagreements will always lead to divorce
Almost all couples argue and have disagreements but that does not always mean these couples have a divorce in mind. In fact, occasionally having disagreements is commonplace. Couples will share different opinions and obviously have the right to convey those views, which can naturally lead to arguments. However, when couples truly care about each other, they will always find a way to resolve and put their differences aside. Disagreements are inevitable but aren’t a main factor for causing divorce.
  1. Living together will reduce the chance of divorce
Most people seem to think that couples living together will help sort out their differences but many studies show otherwise. A study done in 2014 by Arielle Kuperberg shows that there is no relation between living together and getting a divorce. What she actually finds is that it depends on how young couples decide to settle down and those who settle down too early are more likely to divorce.
  1. The mother always wins custody of the children
Although there were laws in place that showed preference to mothers, none of them exist today. If a judge decides that a father is better-suited to take care of the children, then the father will win custody. Each custody case varies from case to case but the main deciding factor for custody is whatever is in the best interests of the child. Additionally, different states have different ways to measure this. For example, if one spouse has committed abuse, the child will unlikely stay with that spouse. When it comes to custody, there will not be any gender bias in the judge’s decision.
  1. Divorce is expensive
In some cases, this can be true but not all divorces are costly. In fact, a lot of couples actually decided to handle their divorce outside of court and only hire lawyers to help them set up a mutual agreement. Handling a divorce in this way can significantly reduce its costs.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Is divorce an option for you?

Are you struggling in your relationship? Do you feel as if things are just going down hill and you need a break? Divorce is unfortunately very common nowadays, and if you’re not happy in your relationship it might be time to handle things differently. At the end of the day this is your life and you have to do whats best for yourself. If you have kids there are plenty of ways to still spend time with them and enjoy each others company.

Love may be the most important thing in this world. To love someone means everything from spending time with them to making them a priority in your life. However love must grow, be tested, fall short of expectations, and strengthened. The question then becomes how can I be the best partner in my marriage? How do I fit all the expectations they want? Marriage is not easy and in order to have a successful marriage you must love yourself first. You should feel confident in your status in life and where you are with your career. Don’t pretend you are happy in a marriage so other people won’t know the reality of it. Things happen, the person you loved however so many years ago may have changed over time. The connection just isn’t there anymore and find yourself sleeping on opposite sides of the house. Cherish your life as it should be and don’t take it for granted.

There are options in life with anything. For marriage problems, there is couples therapy and all sort of programs and counseling to help solve the missing pieces. Try things out but if they don’t seem to be working, divorce may be the best option for you. Marriage can trigger feelings of depression, anxiety, insomnia. You may find yourself out of it and crying a lot. This shouldn’t be how you live, you should be happy coming home to your spouse. Furthermore, if you see divorce in your near future don’t wait on it. The more you acknowledge it, the more prepared you are emotionally and financially.

Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call (888) 429-4459

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Child Custody and Divorce

One of the most important details that is handled during a divorce is child custody. There are many different aspects of child custody that need to be discussed when parents are getting divorced. Some of these aspects include sole custody with visitation vs. shared custody, shared decision-making, and how often and when time will be divided between parents.

Shared custody is similar to joint custody. Shared custody focuses on time being equally split between parents, while joint custody refers to tasks and responsibilities being split between the parents. Shared custody is typically easier for the child. Shared custody requires the parents to live near each other to allow the child to attend one school and keep one core group of friends. Shared custody also needs the parents to be on good terms with each other. They need to be able to work with each other and cooperate. Joint custody splits tasks and responsibilities of parenthood between the parents. For example, one parent may spend more physical time with the child, while the other has more responsibility. Joint custody also requires a set schedule that alternates the time the child spends with each parent.

Sole custody is another potential outcome when dealing with child custody during a divorce. Sole custody is typically uncommon. This outcome is used when one parent is seen as “unfit” to care for a child due to drug use or abuse. When sole custody is the outcome in a case, the parent that does not receive custody (the “noncustodial” parent) is usually allowed visitations. If the divorce involved violence or child abuse, these visitations will likely be supervised. There are two types of sole custody, sole physical custody and sole legal custody. Sole physical custody means that the child will live with and be cared for by one parent. The other parent may have visitations with the child so long as the visits are in the child’s best interests. Sole legal custody means that one parent has the absolute ability to make developmental decisions for the child. These decisions cover a range of topics including education, medical care, religion and welfare.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Does Living Together Before Marriage Really Predict Divorce?

Living together before marriage can be a major issue nowadays. The divorce rate is without a doubt increasing as the years go on. One issue leading to this can be rushing to move in together. Its almost like testing your relationship, when in reality, you should know the woman you are going to marry is the woman you want to live with. A lot of younger couples want to live together before marriage and quickly find to learn they may share different values. For example one may be more religious than the other, or one may be dirtier than the other. There are so many things you can learn about someone from living with them, and this can only affect your relationship in the long-term. In order to devote your life to someone you should know everything about them, but that takes time. You may think you know someone when really everything can change before your eyes.

So in order to get to know someone enough to marry them, you really need to stay with them for years. If you date for only a year or so and move in together you’re putting your relationship in jeopardy because that’s not long enough to learn who they are. Theres so many instances where couples start living together and get annoyed at one another, or get sick of their habits, or realize how tough it is to live with someone. Its a huge commitment to share roles with someone else and take on the responsibility of doing everything in unity. For that reason couples who rush to live together don’t realize how big of a commitment it is which leads to problems in their future.

Before settling down with someone you should also be in a position where you are financially stable with a full-time job. The expenses that get thrown on you is something you may not be prepared for. This is an ongoing problem for couples because they may not have a steady job before moving in together, and find its hard to pay the bills. Above all, make sure you know everything about the person you wish to share your life with but don’t rush cohabitation because it is a leading cause of divorces.