Thursday, June 25, 2015

Does Living Together Before Marriage Really Predict Divorce?

Living together before marriage can be a major issue nowadays. The divorce rate is without a doubt increasing as the years go on. One issue leading to this can be rushing to move in together. Its almost like testing your relationship, when in reality, you should know the woman you are going to marry is the woman you want to live with. A lot of younger couples want to live together before marriage and quickly find to learn they may share different values. For example one may be more religious than the other, or one may be dirtier than the other. There are so many things you can learn about someone from living with them, and this can only affect your relationship in the long-term. In order to devote your life to someone you should know everything about them, but that takes time. You may think you know someone when really everything can change before your eyes.

So in order to get to know someone enough to marry them, you really need to stay with them for years. If you date for only a year or so and move in together you’re putting your relationship in jeopardy because that’s not long enough to learn who they are. Theres so many instances where couples start living together and get annoyed at one another, or get sick of their habits, or realize how tough it is to live with someone. Its a huge commitment to share roles with someone else and take on the responsibility of doing everything in unity. For that reason couples who rush to live together don’t realize how big of a commitment it is which leads to problems in their future.

Before settling down with someone you should also be in a position where you are financially stable with a full-time job. The expenses that get thrown on you is something you may not be prepared for. This is an ongoing problem for couples because they may not have a steady job before moving in together, and find its hard to pay the bills. Above all, make sure you know everything about the person you wish to share your life with but don’t rush cohabitation because it is a leading cause of divorces.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Bobby Flay's Bitter Divorce

Let’s face it, divorce is not enjoyable. The life you previously had when married changes and you’re trying to find yourself through a painful situation. It can even be harder as a celebrity, and for celebrity chef Bobby Flay, the divorce roller coaster has affected him the past couple of months. Bobby Flay is a best known American television chef, frequently appearing on the Food Network channel and becoming household name in the food industry.

In recent news, Bobby has been caught in the headlines from his devastating divorce with wife Stephanie March. Bobby filed for divorce in early March from his estranged wife of 10 years, after his spouse questioned him on rumors he was romantically involved with Mad Men star, January Jones in 2010.  The couple spent three weeks living separately until Bobby finally filed. March claims that Bobby never had time for her and the couple eventually grew apart. The separation got messy when rumors swirled about the celebrity chef cheating on his wife for months or even years before their break up. A friend of March’s spoke out about when she found out Bobby was cheating. “She came to my house and was sobbing uncontrollably,” claimed Maia Madison. “She said, ‘I can’t believe the last 10 years of my life have been a lie.” Bobby claims these allegations are false and it was just a false story to insert into the press and to help with his wife’s divorce battle.

Due to many accusations of affairs, Bobby has been low on the radar. The couple’s prenup requires Bobby to pay his wife $5,000 a month, but supposedly March wants to fight it because of the cheating claims. Divorce battles are not a easy process and revolve around an ongoing battle with the last person you want to talk to. Hopefully Bobby and Amanda can get through it.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Being Level-Headed During Divorce

Divorce court often creates more problems than it solves, providing an tense environment where couples end up prolonging the process and losing money because they are often thinking emotionally rather than rationally. Instead of drawing out the process, couples need to realize that what is really at stake during this process is the couple's' finances. If each member of the relationship can think rationally and as positively as possible, neither member will be taken advantage of what will both come out. Think more about what you want to say in your head during this time than what she said or he did, could have you saving money in the long run.

The best way for the couples to save the most money would be to accept what is happening. Divorce can have many couples prolonging and losing money because of using emotion more than rationalizing what really matters which is their own finances. Getting divorced is obviously difficult but holding onto the past and all the problems is what makes divorce last forever. Fighting endlessly will have costs build up as the couple goes in and out of court. Instead of being spiteful, the couple needs to be level-headed and open-minded. If the couple is not, they may try to one up the other and be in control during court, but this only ends up further damaging your finances. This issue can easily be avoided. During the process of divorce, be careful of what your spending is. While some may hold off on spending during a sadden time, others experience excessive spending. Ruining your own finances to try and be vindictive to the other member of the relationship will only hurt yourself. Plan ahead, be careful, know what you're getting into it, and be prepared to end the process as soon as you can.

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