Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lessons on Blended Families

Parenting is never easy, but it can get difficult in a blended family. Family members can resist the new changes which can make parents frustrated in the situation. Having survived a painful divorce or separation and managing to marry again can beat the odds of divorce and build a blended family that is successful. Everyone in the blended family needs to be involved and be open to adjustments to live together successfully.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What Can We Do to Keep the Best Interests of Our Children in Focus During and After a Divorce?

During a divorce you and your spouse will be focused a lot on whose fault it is or how did this all happen so fast. A lot of emotions will shed losing sight of the most important thing to you, your children. Some tips to keep in mind for your children when going through a divorce is encouraging them not to take sides. Don’t use your child as a defense mechanism that the divorce is not your fault. Keep the arguments behind closed doors because at the end of the day your child shouldn’t have to pick a side from hearing one side of the story. 

Don’t use your child as an emotional support system. If the divorce is tough on you don’t make it harder for your children by venting about the issues. Your child will have a hard enough time dealing with what’s going that your own emotions should rather be talked about with a therapist. It’s important to come up with a parenting plan for your children. There’s going to be a lot of difficult scenarios as far as school breaks and vacations over custody of your children. So it’s important to be mature and responsible enough to work something out as a plan to see your children an equal amount of time. You can always talk to a custody mediator whose job is to create a plan that works for both parties keeping the children’s best interests in mind. You should always make your children feel comfortable and let them know everything is going to be okay. As a parent you are your child’s biggest role model and support system, so its important to let them know nothing will change and you will always be there for them even when separating from your spouse. more

Children want to see their parents happy and the best thing to do when moving forward with a divorce, is figure out how to hide your emotions minimizing trauma to them. Use your friends as a support system, not your kids.  Remember your children will be able to move on if you can. If you need any advice or have any questions regarding children custody and other ways to help them, Simonetti & Associates is here to help.

Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call (888) 429-4459

Thursday, August 6, 2015

It is unavoidable that during separation or divorce in which children are involved there will be questions regarding who gets what kind of custody and when. Unfortunately many fathers’ fear that courts will favor giving sole custody to the mother of the child. It is important to remember that the courts are first and foremost interested in what is best for the child. One of the biggest things that stands out in custody battles is the prominence of where a child lives.  Living situations can be a big deal depending on whether or not the separated parents intend to live nearby to one another. But just like the courts, parents only want what is best for their child.  The hard part is deciding what is actually best for your child, because what is better than a child having a strong relationship with each of their parents.
So have no fear, your lawyers are here. It is important to remember the one thing that you are likely to be hearing over and over again, everyone just wants what is best for any child involved. Good thing that no sex can be assigned to the qualifications of being a parent who is present and supportive both emotionally and financially. Each case and each family is different and therefore there cannot be any assumptions going into a case that either candidate would be better for sole custody.  Despite what we might think fathers’ have just as many rights’ as mothers.  Likely, the only reason we see custody battles ending the way they do is as a direct result of our preconceived sociological norms.  Women are expected to be present and nurturing whereas men are expected to put on a suit and head to work in order to support his family financially, regardless of his family situation.  Don’t let stereotypes get in the way of your family, every parent should have a relationship with their child in order to watch them grow.

Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call (888) 429-4459