Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fathers Right in Divorce/Nassau County

Going through a divorce is complicated enough, but try going through it when there are children involved. Divorce isn’t easy on anyone and it takes a huge toll on the family life. This is why it is extremely important to carefully pick a divorce attorney who will make the process as easy and painless as could be. Simonetti & Associates is the best decision for a divorce attorney in Nassau County.

New York family is written in that both the mother and father have equal rights. However, it is very common that the courts favor the mothers in a custody battle, leaving the fathers feeling completely helpless. Simonetti & Associates has been standing up for fathers in Nassau County since 1990. Their services are quality and cost efficient.

Fathers have been left out in the dark for too long when it comes to custody battles. The court system in New York usually doesn’t award joint custody, but that doesn’t stop attorneys from fighting. The long, drawn out battle leaves the fathers with empty wallets and hopeless. Simonetti & Associates establishes realistic goals and makes sure that their services don’t drive up costs. Your rights are their primary responsibility and they make sure that custody and visitation rights seems fitting.

Simonetti & Associates defends your fatherly right to maintain a loving relationship with your children. Court orders are set out to be fitting to your lifestyle and schedule so that there is no interference with your family time.

Visitation rights and legal custody becomes trickier if the parents aren’t married. Fathers aren’t in favor in the court when they are unwed. Simonetti & Associates advises that fathers who were never married to the child’s mother establish paternity to guarantee any legal rights to a relationship with the child.

If you are a father in Nassau County currently engaged in a divorce, Simonetti & Associates is the best choice for you for legal representation.

Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 30 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call (888) 429-4459
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